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Brian Lewis/The Gazette “There was some talk four years ago that many employees might leave to start their own ventures,” said William C. Bertrand Jr. (right)

When AstraZeneca bought MedImmune for $15.6 billion four years ago, some expected more than a few employees of the Gaithersburg biotech to branch out on their own.

But that hasn’t happened, William C. Bertrand Jr., executive vice president and general counsel for MedImmune, said during this week’s panel discussion on the state’s tech industry coordinated by Bisnow Media at the University of Maryland, College Park.

“We’re happy people are staying with MedImmune,” Bertrand said. “But there was some talk four years ago that many employees might leave to start their own ventures.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: Gazette.Net: Executives: Maryland’s tech industry needs risk-takers

Author: Kevin James Shay