Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
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David Brailer

Health-care venture capitalists are often drawn to the bold promise of recent medical advances, but those hunting for their next fund should emphasize solutions within close reach when pitching David Brailer, America’s first digital-health czar and the chairman of investment firm Health Evolution Partners.

David Brailer A physician and entrepreneur, Brailer is all for innovation. Before launching Health Evolution in 2007, he practiced medicine, formed a company, CareScience Inc., and in 2004 under President Bush began helping craft a 10-year plan for widespread deployment of health IT.

With Health Evolution he backs funds and companies. In either case, he favors those pursuing technologies or services that solve medical-industry problems in the near term.

To read the full, original article click on this link: David Brailer: In Health Care, It’s Not All About the Big Ideas - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ
