What are the preconditions for Skåne being able to compete on an international scale and achieving sustainable growth over the long term? What capacity does the region have for de- veloping new knowledge and new innovations? These are just two of the questions investiga- ted by the analysis presented in this report of the region's conditions for growth and its capaci- ty for innovation.
With the support of VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, Region Skåne is working over the long term to enhance the innovation capacity and competitive potential of the region. Part of this work has involved the completion of an exhaustive analysis, and an international peer review of the regional innovation system is to be undertaken. The work is of pilot type and is based on approaches and methods that, as far as we know, have not previ- ously been applied, either in Sweden or anywhere else in the world.
A major part of the development work is methodological in character, and its purpose is to develop a methodology to support the development of a strong regional innovation system. VINNOVA's ambition is that this method and approach should also allow its application by other regions as well, both nationally and internationally.
Part of the development work has involved Region Skåne carrying out a situation analysis of the regional innovation system.1 The situation analysis combines a description and analysis of the regional prerequisites for innovation and growth in the region with a description and analysis of the regional structures and roles that have been developed to support innovations and entrepreneurship.
The situation analysis is to some extent based on existing studies and analyses of Skåne‟s conditions for growth and its innovation system that have been undertaken by Region Skåne and other regional and national entities. The analysis is also based on documentary material from the various entities and the development initiatives compiled specifically for the analysis.
http://www.skane.se/Public/Skaneportalen-extern/Nyheter/Naringsliv/Dokument_Naringsliv/Skanesinnovationcapacity090831.pdf << for the full report, click this link