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Google Plus Screen

Why the hubbub about Google+? The last thing entrepreneurs need is another social network to join, right? Weren't you just getting the hang of Twitter? Didn't you just start putting that Facebook business page together? So why is Brogan back here telling you to get into Google+, and pronto? I've never made a prediction like this before. I'm not exactly Mr. Bleeding Edge. But what I've seen so far is that the new social network from Google has a lot of advantages that are worth thinking about, and entrepreneurial types should take a look-see.

The Next Big Thing Google+ is a social networking platform, but you can look at it a lot of different ways. You can say it's like Facebook, only cleaner. It's like Twitter, only more engaging. It has the potential to be a great collaboration and communication platform (you can isolate who sees information by sharing it with specific Circles, or groupings of people). In its earliest weeks of existence, it already was sending more traffic to my website than any other social networking platform.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Why Google+ Will Be the Next Big Thing for Your Business |

Author:Chris Brogan