Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


It is true that governments cannot be ignored by entrepreneurs—they set the rules and incentives. But it should not be surprising that vibrant entrepreneurs typically show, at best, nonchalance toward government. Most government agencies across the globe remain inefficient and cumbersome—especially when you compare even a well-funded government program to a collection of bootstrapping startups.

My favorite news last week was the announcement about Startup Foundation just launching in various places like Boston, Los Angeles, New York City, Des Moines, and Sao Paulo to grow ecosystems for startup creation and growth. With funding from the Kauffman Foundation, Startup Foundation co-founders in each city are mapping their local entrepreneurial ecosystems. They are doing this by identifying influential leaders, programs and gaps in community resources, and supporting local initiatives that drive the creation of more entrepreneurs, startups, and jobs. They will also raise funds for local entrepreneurship support initiatives, amplifying effective efforts.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Learning from Startup Ecosystems -

Author:Jonathan Ortmans