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Recently I wrote about things you should never say when you fire an employee. Many of you emailed saying, in essence, “Great… but what should I say and do when I fire an employee?

Fair enough.

Here’s how to make a bad situation better — or at least as “better” as it can possibly be — when you have to fire an employee for cause:

Be sure. Obvious, right? Not always: The heat of the moment can cause you to make a snap decision that is neither correct nor fair. Even if you have a zero-tolerance policy for certain behaviors, take a few minutes to make sure the employee’s action truly falls within the parameters of that policy. When you’re mad (or really disappointed) it’s easy to think, “That’s it… he has to go,” and unintentionally forget about guidelines and precedents. While you can bring an employee back on after you make a mistake, no one will ever forget what happened — especially the employee.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The Best Way to Fire an Employee | BNET

Author:Jeff Haden