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Founded by Rich Bendis

15/12/2009 - What impact has the crisis had on innovation and spending on research and development? How can innovation help to solve environmental and social threats? How are countries tackling these challenges?

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2009 provides the data and analysis to answer these questions and others to give policy makers an insight into the trends shaping science and innovation.

The Scoreboard includes more than 200 internationally comparable quality indicators to explore the progress of national innovation strategies and recent developments in science, technology and industry. In addition to data for OECD countries, it provides a broad range of statistics for other major economies such as China, India, Israel and the Russian Federation.

Two-page summaries are available for Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. These pages also contain links to the data in Excel format.

Among the topics covered are:

• Responding to the economic crisis: R&D spending, venture capital, patents and trademarks, and employment;

• Targeting new growth areas: health and biotechnology R&D and patents, government R&D spending and tax policies;

• Competing in the world economy: international trade, innovation within companies, and entrepreneurship.

• Connecting to global research: international co-operation in science and research, R&D funding from abroad, and internationalisation of R&D;

• Investing in the knowledge economy: university graduates, human resources in science and technology, and employment of doctoral graduates.

The complete Scoreboard 2009 is available free on line and provides easy access to individual sections and links to the databases used. Each indicator is also downloadable in pdf format.

For further information, please visit

The Scoreboard is available in pdf format on the journalists’ page of the protected website . For further information journalists should contact the OECD Media Division (tel. + 33 1 45 24 97 00) or mailto:

For more information on the OECD’s work on innovation, visit

Source: OECD

Original Article: OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2009 focuses on innovation