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MADISON – About 40 early stage companies will present to potential investors at the 2011 Wisconsin Early Stage Symposium, to be held Nov. 2-3 at Madison’s Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center.

The annual conference, which has existed under different names for more than 20 years, will feature the seventh annual “Elevator Pitch Olympics” for companies in a seed financing stage and the fifth annual Wisconsin Angel Network Early Stage presentation track for companies seeking angel investments and beyond.

Twenty-three companies were selected for the WAN track (Wednesday, Nov. 2) and at least 15 more will take part in the Elevator Pitch Olympics (Thursday, Nov. 3).  Companies in the WAN track feature technologies in information technology and Internet services, biotechnology, medical devices, advanced manufacturing and “cleantech.” Ten of the 23 are Qualified New Business Ventures in Wisconsin, which can make investors eligible for state tax credits.

“The presenting companies at the Early Stage Symposium reflect the diversity of Wisconsin’s tech-based economy,” said Tom Still, president of the Wisconsin Technology Council. “From drug development to Internet solutions, and from production of medical isotopes to new applications in construction, mobile gaming, nanotechnology and water treatment, these companies represent potential opportunities for investors.”

Here are the 23 companies selected to make seven-minute investor pitches in the Wisconsin Angel Network tracks:

AhR Pharmaceuticals – This Madison firm is developing products based on a natural hormone for low side-effect therapies to combat cancers and obesity.

AquaMost – This Madison company has developed a unique, scalable water purification device that cleans drinking water or water used in shale gas drilling without the use of chemicals or filters. AquaMost is a past Governor’s Business Plan Contest finalist.

AviMed Pharmaceuticals – This New Berlin company is focused on drug development for psychiatric disorders, particularly schizophrenia. AviMed is a past Governor’s Business Plan Contest finalist.

Byte Recycle LLC (Murfie) – Murfie is an off-site storage facility that converts its customers’ music CDs into digital files that can be downloaded, sold and traded.

Centrose – This Madison company discovered the first synergistic drug-targeting system, called the Extracellular Drug Conjugate System, for use against various cancer tumors and cells.

Door 6 – This Madison company is a mobile game development studio focused on building a proprietary, cross-platform game engine to make it newest game, Atmosphere, available on all major mobile platforms.

Echometrix LLC – This Madison company is commercializing a proprietary ultrasound technology for non-invasive evaluation of ligament, tendon and muscle conditions. Echometrix is a past Governor’s Business Plan Contest finalist.

Flatt Cola – This Madison firm has produced a cola-flavored energy drink that is already breaking into Wisconsin markets and which plans to add drink flavors as it expands.

GeoPay – Based in Reston, Va., GeoPay is a mobile money transfer product that enables consumers to exchange cash from phone to phone, a system that can serve populations in the developing world with limited banking options.

Hope Shelter Manufacturing LLC – This Milwaukee company manufactures and sells products that help construct tough, insulated structures that help poor people in developing nations or people hit by natural disasters.

Insulete Inc. – This Madison company has developed a circular DNA molecule that has the potential to cure Type 1 diabetes. This company won the Life Sciences category in the 2011 Governor’s Business Plan Contest.

Interfacial Solutions LLC – This River Falls firm provides flame retardant materials that utilize low-cost microparticles.

InvioSciences LLC – This company, with offices in Wauwatosa and Madison, is manufacturing and selling tissue-culture consumables and drug-screening devices to analyze treatment-induced gain or loss of physiological functions.

IV Diagnostics Inc. – Located in Valparaiso, Ind., this company creates biomarkers and a drug-device combination for diagnosing blood-borne diseases using in vivo based technology.

Lucigen – This Middleton firm is a life sciences “tools” company that is developing a rapid diagnostic device and reagents for the detection and differentiation of three human respiratory viruses.

NCD Technologies – This Madison company has developed nano-crystalline diamond coating technology for multiple market applications, including electronics, medical, energy extraction and aerospace industries. NCD is a past Governor’s Business Plan Contest finalist.

NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes – With ties to Dane and Rock counties, this company is working on technologies related to producing Molybdenum-99 and Technetium-99m for medical imaging and therapeutic markets.

oneEvent Technologies – This Madison company uses Internet technologies to analyze temperature, smoke, humidity and occupancy data from buildings, which can then be used in conjunction with alarm and other warning systems.

Perfect Cross LLC – This Nashotah firm has developed a new category of muscle support and pain-relief products called Kinetic Performance Systems. These adhesive devices work with a person’s anatomy to provide support, pain relief and rehabilitation. Perfect Cross won the Advanced Manufacturing category in the 2011 Governor’s Business Plan Contest.

Pilot Training System LLC – This Middleton firm is advancing flight simulation technologies by developing a weather database that will help create more realistic training conditions.

Shine Medical – This Middleton company is developing a new way to manufacture the medical isotope molybdenum-99, which is the precursor for an isotope (Technetium-99m) used in more than 30 diagnostic procedures and screenings.

Spill Inc. – This campus-based company in Madison is developing an online communications and analytics platform that changes how people give and receive confidential peer support.

Whole Trees Architecture and Structures – This Madison company pre-assembles and sells structural building systems using small diameter trees harvested from forest cullings.

News media representatives may contact the companies through Jodi Hoeser or Zach Brandon at 608-442-7557

The Early Stage Symposium will also feature 18 panel discussions with nationally known speakers and panelists, the “First Look Forum” for pre-commercial, campus-based discoveries and a luncheon honoring Wisconsin’s winners of SBIR and STTR grants.  Participants in the angel and “Elevator Pitch” tracks will also be eligible to take part in presentation training seminars. Investors registered so far represent 25 funds or networks, as well as banks and individual investors.

The conference is produced by the Wisconsin Technology Council and its partners and sponsors. Visit to register, review sponsorship opportunities or to learn more.

Gina Leahy

Wisconsin Technology Council

(608) 442-7557