Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Robert K. Coughlin is president & CEO of MassBio.

From very humble beginnings, the biotechnology industry in Massachusetts has grown to be one of the most significant regional clusters of any industry in the world. But we're not done yet — we at MassBio join our colleagues in industry, government and academia in a quest to continue our stellar growth. How can it be done? With a renewed focus on being the best place in the world for innovation, research and development.

Biotechnology began to take hold in Massachusetts in the late 1970s, benefitting from the numerous research universities and hospitals in the greater Boston area. The industry began in old converted industrial spaces in Boston and Cambridge, but today, Massachusetts has over 500 biotech and pharma companies, 18 million sq. ft. (1.6 million sq. m.) of commercial laboratory space and close to 50,000 workers in the field.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Commentary: Challenges Are Opportunities