Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

WisconsinInnovation is driven by people and their ideas. Through the work of the Innovation Think Tank, greater south Wood County stands to create a culture of innovation that will keep the area sustainable in the future.

A recent meeting, facilitated by Jack Ricchiuto, gave participants the opportunity to share their thoughts regarding what they want to see possible in this community in 20 years. Answers included diversified industry, an innovative workforce, capitalization on the knowledge and resources available in the area, inventions from this area featured in Time Magazine's Top 50 of the Year, innovative schools producing employees that have gained skills through project-based learning, world-class infrastructure, risk-taking culture, financial resources for product development, a process for innovation, green energy production and a system of connections for people and resources. All suggestions would position greater south Wood County as a hub of commerce in the future.

Original Article: Column: Innovation Think Tank envisions 20-year changes | | Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune