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TOKYO, Japan — Tech has run its course in Japan. Sony, Panasonic and Hitachi will continue to chug along. But it is unlikely that we’ll see the rise of another Japanese gadget or innovation giant. Japan does not lack web geeks innovating or iterating on existing platforms. Overall, however, the country’s tech start-up scene is weak.

Quite a statement? That few in Japan will come out to directly say it is one reason why Japanese tech entrepreneurship is fragile. Japanese custom to “save face” and not overtly criticize, say “no” or embarrass anyone is hurting its venturers. Entrepreneurs need feedback and guidance. Some even deserve a kick in the rear. The only thing that’s nice about entrepreneurship is return on investment, if you’re lucky an IPO.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Entrepreneurship in Japan: Not in Tech - Forbes