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Because we at VatorNews are well aware of the overwhelming curiosity of our readership concerning all things Finland, here's a report about how a Finnish mobile carrier and one of the first innovators of the text-messaging medium, Sonera, recorded a stark decline in texts on Christmas Eve 2011, the traditionally most popular day to text or call.

In 2011, Sonera customers sent only 8.9 million texts on Christmas Eve, down from the 10.9 million from 2010. DNA, a reportedly more youth-oriented Finnish mobile carrier, also experienced a decrease in text messaging on Christmas Eve, though less drastic, from 5.9 million down to 5.6 million.

Text messaging also declined 14% in Hong Kong on Christmas Day, while in Australia, texting declined 9% throughout 2011, according to the findings of an Australian blogger.

To read the full, original article click on this link: VatorNews - Key mobile markets foretell global downturn in texting