Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Creating good content and a strong following is hard work.  Many have learned this lesson and many more are still learning.  Just ask any major media outlet. The race for content that attracts an audience is very competitive and changes rapidly. The most compelling content is that which creates ideas for others to create opportunities.

Idea That Encourage Creativity

I bought my wife an IPad 2 for Christmas. Throughout last year we had several conversations about Apple products and their attractiveness. My wife loves her IPhone but kept discounting the need for an IPad. I told her she wouldn’t feel that way if she had one. She kept saying “So what is the big deal about the IPad that would make me want one?” I could explain it accept to say “The creative experience is what makes it different.”  Now that she has one she understands why.

To read the full, original article click on this link: It’s About Your Ideas Not Your Ego | Relationship Economy