Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Silicon Valley EdgeAll the time, people wonder “Why is Silicon Valley so awesome?” Now, obviously there’s the smart people, the great restaurants, the great night life (nola’s in palo alto?), the great shopping (Santana Row!), and the great abundance of Fry’s. And high housing costs ensuring people work their hardest.

But… there’s more! There’s the innovation. There’s the risk taking. There’s the riches. It’s what keeps attracting people from around to this humble valley (that just happens to be the best in the world). Learn more about the edge here, so you can understand why we’ll never lose it, why others can only dream of having it, and why this will ensure house prices continue to soar.

Original Article: The Silicon Valley Edge: A Habitat for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Stanford Business Books) (Paperback) |