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TrueBridge Capital Partners’ employees may not be the only ones cheering at the final closing of its second fund of funds.

The wrap-up of TrueBridge-Kauffman Fellows Endowment Fund II LP is welcome news for the folks over at the Center for Venture Education, which sponsors the Kauffman Fellows program, a two-year venture capital training program that seeks to foster leadership and diversity within the venture capital industry.

Chapel Hill, N.C.-based TrueBridge was founded to help support the fellows program, and it devotes a portion of both the fee income and the profits that it generates from its funds of funds to the program. Since TrueBridge raised its first fund of funds, a $310 million pool closed back in 2008, it has funneled between $1.5 million and $2 million to the program, TrueBridge General Partner Edwin Poston told VentureWire.

To read the full, original article click on this link: TrueBridge’s Second Fund of Funds Good News For Kauffman Fellows - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ