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Fox BusinessIn the 2009 economic climate, as angels and venture capitalists tightened their grip on the rope, companies seeking funding found themselves playing by a new set of rules. So what’s the state of the playing field today, and what can entrepreneurs expect from investors in the coming year?

Karen Bantuveris entered the spring of 2009 hopeful that her company VolunteerSpot would receive the $450K in seed funding that would take it to the next level. But when the Texas-based startup actually did receive a bite from a local angel group, it decided to decline, and instead to create and go with a plan B.

“We were offered a Series A (the name typically given to a company's first significant round of venture funding) in the spring. Their terms were not acceptable to us. They wanted a lot of control for not enough money,” she said.

Original Article: Learn the Ropes of Entrepreneur- VC-Angel Tug of War -