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Founded by Rich Bendis

Time Management

I was sitting on a panel discussion a few weeks back amongst VCs and Entrepreneurs where the topic of who to talk to within a VC firm came up.  One entrepreneur asked if he should waste his time talking with an associate or just try to work with a partner directly.  At the end of the day, it’s the partners who make the decision, he said.   Several of the VCs in the room made a case for why associates were a valuable part in the fund raising process.

At the time, I did not have a strong opinion either way.  Having raised over $10 million in venture capital in my career, I have seen both channels work.  Sometimes, an associate becomes an internal advocate for your start-up and convinces the partners to invest.  Other times, associates were either too young or inexperienced to make a good assessment of a start-ups value.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Should Entrepreneurs Waste Their Time Talking With An Associate at a VC Firm? - Business Insider