Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


How do women entrepreneurs feel about their businesses, their prospects and themselves? The American College recently surveyed some 800 entrepreneurial women, in business for a minimum of three years, about their financial goals, stress levels, and optimism regarding their businesses work/life balance. In other words, what issues kept these entrepreneurs up at night?

Here’s what they found—see where you fit in:

Sleeping Soundly: Thirty one percent of the respondents say being an entrepreneur has met their expectations. They enjoy a good work/life balance and are successfully managing the financial aspects of their businesses. They are confident about their present financial stability and feel they have planned well for the future. This group had the highest business revenues of all the women surveyed.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Women Entrepreneurs: What’s Keeping You Up at Night?