Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Do you have dreams of becoming an entrepreneur, founding your own startup and jet-setting across the country to meet with investors? If so, you better have a stack of cash for cabs, coffee and all those hotels you’ll be staying at as you schmooze with potential business partners and other key players in your industry.

Luckily for those who dream of entrepreneurship, an up-and-coming membership program called FoundersCard is providing these founders with some serious perks and discounts to help ease the pain associated with the costs of a startup. FoundersCard, started by Eric Kuhn in 2009, is the first membership community designed specifically for entrepreneurs and innovators

To read the full, original article click on this link: Are You an Entrepreneur - Or Just Want to Live Like One? FoundersCard is Made For You - Forbes