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Founded by Rich Bendis


Every day is a negotiation for an entrepreneur. Whether advancing a cause, making a request, or persuading others of the merits of our view, negotiating for what we want--often and effectively--is a survival technique for a business owner. We can use it to go after what we want, to create options where there were previously none, and we can use it to defend what is ours and what we need. Perhaps the best news of all, this is a skill that can be learned.


Often as we make a request, the very last thing we’re thinking about is pace. Yet, the best negotiators in the world take an active role in shaping a conversation’s cadence. Ideally, you’ll make your ask progressively, exposing more and more of the research you’ve done in a gradual manner. Why is this slow peeling of the onion important? Because in a negotiation, knowledge is power and you don’t need to show your entire hand all at once.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Perfecting The Art Of The Ask | Fast Company