Its size doesn’t rival the federal health-care bill, or even The Da Vinci Code. But with 80-plus pages dense with facts, figures and proposals, Baton Rouge Area Chamber’s new white paper on innovation-based economic development is hefty reading for the public. Moreover, the world doesn’t need another addition to a shelf already groaning under the weight of numerous “studies” and plans that never amounted to much, and BRAC officials readily admit as much.Adam Knapp : Photo Credit - The Business Report
Over the years, there have been the Gulf South Research Institute [founded in 1964 and considered ahead of its time], Louisiana Science and Technology Foundation [1984], state Office of Technology, Innovation and Modernization [created in the early 1990s], and “Louisiana: Vision 2020” report [first published in 1999], to name a few.
Original Article: :: Baton Rouge Business Report :: The new New Economy