Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Adam Knapp

Adam Knapp : Photo Credit - The Business Report

Its size doesn’t rival the federal health-care bill, or even The Da Vinci Code. But with 80-plus pages dense with facts, figures and proposals, Baton Rouge Area Chamber’s new white paper on innovation-based economic development is hefty reading for the public. Moreover, the world doesn’t need another addition to a shelf already groaning under the weight of numerous “studies” and plans that never amounted to much, and BRAC officials readily admit as much.

Over the years, there have been the Gulf South Research Institute [founded in 1964 and considered ahead of its time], Louisiana Science and Technology Foundation [1984], state Office of Technology, Innovation and Modernization [created in the early 1990s], and “Louisiana: Vision 2020” report [first published in 1999], to name a few.

Original Article: :: Baton Rouge Business Report :: The new New Economy