This is the eighth of several 'Innovation Perspectives' articles we will publish this week from multiple authors to get different perspectives on 'What product or sector is in desperate need of innovation?'. Here is the next perspective in the series:
by Rocco Tarasi
Is there an industry more in need of innovation than education?
Rethinking University Education - It is one of the largest industries in the United States, with over $1 trillion dollars spent annually. You are a consumer in this industry practically from birth until death. And yet most believe that the industry has lagged the pace of innovation so much that the education market today is comparable to the newspaper industry of 1999 - enjoying healthy profits before innovative start-ups disrupt their existing (archaic) business models.
Original Article: Blogging Innovation: Innovation Perspectives - Rethinking University Education - Innovation blog articles, videos, and insights
Author: Rocco Tarasi