Mission: China Business Competency for Every Interested Executive in America
Philadelphia (PRWEB) January 27, 2010 -- In the past 30 years, China has raked in massive amounts of foreign direct investment; its trade surpluses continue to break records; and its vast foreign-exchange reserves make it a key player in determining the value of the dollar. Summary: China has gained tremendous global economic strength, and the nation’s economic relevance to the USA is not fading anytime soon. Leaving us with the question, “What can we do, through our own business lives, to gain some leverage, strength, and effectiveness relative to Chinese businesses?”
One of the key USA-based programs of The China Business Network, China Business Boot Camp, taking place in Philadelphia at the Union League on February 18, 2010. China Business Boot Camp (www.chinabusinessbootcamp.com) is designed to provide practical answers: namely, a knowledge of what really works when doing business in China, and what resources are available in the region and beyond, to help us win in every China business challenge.
Philadelphia is the second city to host a China Business Boot Camp, following Cleveland in November 2009. Sponsors Continental Airlines, White and Williams and Morison Cogen are major supporters of the full day program.
Featured speakers include Philadelphia-based Jacques de Lisle, University of Pennsylvania Professor of Law and noted China legal scholar; keynote Sam Goodman, author of Where East East West http://www.where-east-eats-west.com/; The Street Smarts Guide to Business in China, who will fly into the USA for the event; and Janet Carmosky, CEO of The China Business Network – a career China business specialist who is also a Penn Alum and Philadelphia native.
Six panel discussions through the afternoon are comprised of Philadelphia-based China business practitioners and advisors, including Gary Biehn of law firm White and Williams; Lou Esposito of accounting firm Morison Cogen; Giovanna Cilia-Wheatley, Continental Airlines; Will Block of HSBC; Rich Bendis, Founder and President of Innovation America; Tom Morr, President of Select Greater Philadelphia; MidMarket Capital’s Patrick Hurley; Carol Brooks, City of Philadelphia International Trade; George Tsetsekos, Dean, LeBow School of Business; Banu Onaral, School of Biomedical Engineering, Drexel University; Adrian Stanley, Charlesworth Group; David Barton of MeetChinaBiz; Hewitt’s APAC Business Development Leader Sharad Vishvanath; James Chan from Asia America Marketing; John Smagula of Temple Law School; Bassett’s Ice Cream Owner Michael Strange; David Broderick of DuPont Global Services, and others.
Tickets for the day include lunch and afternoon networking. $450 for the full day, $350 for afternoon only. Discounts are available for groups of three or more, or through any panelist or moderator. Full details and registration at: www.chinabusinessbootcamp.com.
About The China Business Network: Accessible, credible and open, The China Business Network is a membership organization that helps everyone working between China and the west to be more successful. Organized as a networked community and as a clearing house for China business-related resources, The China Business Network is the first stop for everyone who knows the value of expertise to bridge China and the west through business. See more at www.thechinabusinessnetwork.com