The Mass. Life Sciences Center will begin accepting applications Feb. 1 for matching grants of up to $500,000 for companies that have received Phase II or post-Phase II SBIR grants.
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The Mass. Life Sciences Center will begin accepting applications for a $3 million matching grant program aimed at helping small life science companies that are production-ready and "poised for rapid growth that will create jobs in the Commonwealth."
The quasi-public agency said it will provide matching grants of up to $500,000 to companies that have received Phase II or post-Phase II small business innovation research (SBIR) or small business technology transfer (STTR) grants from federal agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation or the Dept. of Defense.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Mass. Life Sciences Center launches $3 million matching grant program | MassDevice - Medical Device Industry News
Author: MassDevice staff