Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Previously known as Innovation and Economic Development Sherbrooke – IDES, an IASP Full member in Sherbrooke, Canada, has unveiled their strategic plan of action and new name: SHERBROOKE INNOPOLE.

The announcement was made on 8th January by Executive Director Mr. Pierre Bélanger, who was accompanied by Luce Samoisette, Rector of Sherbrooke University, Sherbrooke city councillors, directors of the former IDES, and regional economic leaders.

According to Mr. Bélanger, the new name reflects the positioning sought for Sherbrooke better, clearly identifying it as a city of innovation. The new name is but one element in a larger action strategy to ensure Sherbrooke’s development efforts. Other aspects of the action plan include a new communications strategy, including the development of a new website using Web 2.0 technologies that will be launched next June, and new cooperation tools between the city and the main institutions forming the University Cluster.

We congratulate our colleagues and look forward to hearing about further progress and achievements at Sherbrooke Innopole.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation and Economic Development Sherbrooke-IDES changes its name to SHERBROOKE INNOPOLE

Author: AURP Canada