I [ recently enjoyed an opinion piece in The New York Times by Thomas L. Friedman, author and Pulitzer prize winner. Friedman, who has written extensively on the economy, says that what our country needs is "not more stimulus but more stimulation.”
His challenge to Washington — and it’s a great challenge for all of us — is to make 2010 the year of "Start-Up America” by leveraging the experience of our nation’s leading innovators to turbo-charge entrepreneurship across the U.S. and create jobs with an innovation movement.At i2E, innovation is the bedrock of everything we do. Last week, we had interesting meetings in Washington, D.C., with the Small Business Administration’s Investment Office and the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, a new initiative within the Commerce Department geared to move ideas, research and inventions into new companies.
Both departments seemed highly motivated to make an even greater impact on innovation and entrepreneurship in America. They’re interested in what states are doing and were intrigued by the programs and initiatives in Oklahoma.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation is crucial in stimulating economy | NewsOK.com