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Campus Philly Careers invites hundreds of regional employers to recruit for internship positions over the web

GREATER PHILADELPHIA –This March, Campus Philly’s career matching website will be the center of online talent recruitment for the Philadelphia region during its fourth Online Internship Fair. From March 15th-26th, the nonprofit invites area employers to recruit student talent for internship opportunities on, free of charge.

“While the site is live all year, employers can feel confident that local talent will have a presence on the site during our two-week fair,” said Alethia Calbeck, Campus Philly’s director of employer partnerships. The fair will be supported by a marketing campaign to encourage students to post their resumes on the site and actively search for internship opportunities.

As a new element to the fair, Campus Philly will post a video panel of local experts, answering students’ job and internship questions, as well as online workshops to build resume writing and interviewing skills.

“The Internet allows us to be flexible and innovative with our talent-match programming,” said Calbeck. “We are using the platform to conveniently connect employers with regional talent, and as an educational resource for students. We want to ensure that employers are finding qualified candidates.”

Internship programs are an effective way to increase a company’s workforce without the cost of a full-time hire. While students gain the competitive edge of real-world experience, host companies can increase work-flow efficiency at minimal or no cost. What’s more, internship programs create an internal talent pipeline for employers interested in future recruiting.

Over 200 employers are expected to offer internships in this year’s fair with over 1000 students participating. Employers can register for free at The online fair will go live at Noon, Monday, March 15th.

Campus Philly is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization fueling economic growth by encouraging college students to study, explore live and work in the Greater Philadelphia tri-state region. The Online Internship Fair is made possible with support from the City of Philadelphia and Intern U.

To read the full, original article click on this link: [3/15-3/26] Campus Philly's Online Internship Fair (About)
