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There were some surprises near the end of the game in the ad line-up. Anheuser-Busch InBev added a spot in the fourth quarter, for Bud Light, bringing its total for the game to nine. Hyundai also added a spot in the fourth quarter, running a commercial for the Hyundai Sonata that had appeared during the pre-game show. The spot, depicting the workers of the Hyundai plant in Alabama carrying a car from the beginning of its manufacturing to the end, becomes the second in the game using a crowd joining forces to do good; there was a Budweiser spot with a similar tack, in which townspeople built a human bridge.

E*Trade also bought an additional spot that was originally not in its plans, also in the fourth quarter. The spot featured five babies; the first one had three.

There had been speculation that additional commercials would turn up in the game because of the strong demand among advertisers for time during this Super Bowl.

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