According to the Department of Labor, the majority of jobs in the near future will have a heavy focus on technology and having technical skills, including technical consulting and computer systems design. To ensure college students graduating have those skills, IBM announced today the launch of what it calls a free “academic cloud,” which is a bundle of web-based IBM software to help professors teach technology skills to students.
The announcement will officially come at a New York City get together of over 200 education and industry influencers set to discuss the changing landscape of cloud computing and it’s integration in the education community. If you’re interest, you can see the live stream here at 8:30am Eastern. The hopes for the conference and academic cloud are high. IBM sees users becoming tomorrow’s entrepreneurs using these technology skills in information management and business analytics, digitized patient records, and clean technologies.And of course this is a way for IBM to put its software in front of potential future users at an early stage.
To read the full, original article click on this link: IBM launches academic cloud to help students learn technology skills | VentureBeat
Author: Cody Barbierri