Global trends in venture capital: 2009 report by Deloitte
The survey was conducted with venture capitalists (VCs) in the Americas, Asia Pacific (AP), Europe and Israel. There were 725 responses from general partners of venture capital firms with assets under management ranging from less than $100 million1 to greater than $1 billion.
Multiple responses from the same firm were allowed, as the survey was a general measurement of the state of global investing from all general partners, not attitudes of specific firms. If respondents did not answer a question, the count for the question was adjusted accordingly.
The highest number of respondents—35 percent—claimed assets under management totaling between $100 million and $499 million. Another 34 percent had managed assets that were less than $100 million, 17 percent had managed assets greater than $1 billion, and 14 percent had between $500 million and $1 billion in assets under management.