In a speech that will perk up the pointy ears of Atlanta’s tech community, Gubernatorial candidate Karen Handel said Georgia must "figure out a way to reignite entrepreneurship.”
“We have some of the best research institutions ... and we are failing to harness and capture the ideas and innovations that are coming out of those institutions...when they go to commercialization,” Handel told a gathering of real estate-types at the Databank Conference on Thursday.
“We are losing them to places such as the Carolinas, Florida, Texas, increasingly Tennessee, and even Kentucky, because we are not creative and we are not in the game in that whole area,” the former Georgia Secretary of State said.
Handel called for tax credits to boost angel and venture investing, which Handel said, would help retain new companies and ideas.
“We are one of the few states that don't have this type of tax credit,” she said. “If Kentucky can give a 50 percent tax credit for that phase 1 angel investment, then we are woefully, woefully behind, folks.”
To read the full, original article click on this link: Atlanta Business Chronicle: Handel talks up entrepreneurship
Author: Urvaksh Karkaria