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Battelle logoCOLUMBUS, Ohio — The Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Center at Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business was created to assess the commercial and economic viability of technology developed at Battelle


During a six-month pilot, Battelle’s National Security Global Business provided more than 50 innovations — from millimeter wave technology used in telecommunications to a flame retardant derived from soybeans — to the Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization (TEC) center, which evaluated the innovations for their commercial potential, Battelle said in a release.

The pilot went so well, the science and technology institute has agreed to work with the center for two more years, splitting profits with the university when it takes the commercial lead. The partnership eventually could extend to some of Battelle’s other businesses, such as its Health and Life Sciences Global Business.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Battelle, OSU’s Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Center strike deal : MedCity News

Author: Mary Vanac