Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Valley should plan for future economyDespite the grim economic realities of the past decade, I'm convinced there is reason to be bullish about the Pioneer Valley's prospects.

Building a strong, vibrant, and sustainable economy for the 21st century will take vision, courage, and commitment by the business, civic, and public sectors to work together toward this goal. This is not an assignment for a region that lacks confidence or tenacity; it is for one with assets and attributes that make the potential for success extraordinarily likely. I submit that the Pioneer Valley has this in its regional DNA.

City and regional planners look ahead to devise economic plans that will ideally allow local or regional communities to avoid or minimize problems while simultaneously chasing opportunities. In the Pioneer Valley, we have the "Plan for Progress," which lays out a "road map" to a strong and competitive regional economy.

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