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IDon't File for That Patent Yet nstead of a utility patent, a provisional patent or a trademark could be a better first step.

Two great tools for inventors that won't break your bank account: provisional patent applications and trademarks.

Successfully licensing an invention or taking a product to market requires research and the ability to talk to people about your invention. It is impossible for a manufacturer or retail buyer to commit to a product without seeing it.

For good reason, many inventors are reluctant to share their invention with people they don't know. Further, once an invention is shared publicly, international patent rights can be lost, and the one-year timeline within which a U.S. patent application must be filed generally has begun to tick. For this reason, many inventors rush out and file a full-blown, utility patent application. That addresses the uncertainties and also enables inventors to alert people that their invention is "patent pending."

To read the full, original article click on this link: Don't File for That Patent Yet - Utility Patent

Author: Tamara Monosoff