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The offices of the biotech startup Zyngenia are located at the Firstfield Professional Center, shown here, in Gaithersburg. (Andrew Harnik/Examiner)  Read more at the Washington Examiner: County officials gave a Gaithersburg company a $1.5 million taxpayer-funded grant based on support for the startup by a venture capitalist who leads it.

County Executive Ike Leggett also asked the County Council to support state funding for Zyngenia, writing in a letter that the venture capitalist, David Mott, "supports the funding of this company."

Mott was named chairman of Zyngenia in November when the Maryland venture capital firm where he is a partner, New Enterprise Associates, announced that it was investing $10 million in the company. Zyngenia, which was founded in 2008, seeks to develop new anti-cancer and autoimmune drugs.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Biotech startup lands $1.5M in public funds | Washington Examiner

Author: Alan Suderman