The Carnegie Mellon Portugal program is launching three new innovation networks, whose goal is to consolidate and expand the successful cooperation among all partner institutions and industrial affiliates.
For this purpose, three different thematic events sponsored by FCT, one for each innovation network, shall join corporate executives and members of the scientific community:
1) Innovation Forum on Security and Critical Infrastructure
Protection (NET-SCIP), Coimbra, on the morning of Monday,
February 22, 2010. read
2) Innovation Forum on Future Internet Services
and Technologies (NET- FIT), Lisbon, on the morning of
Tuesday, February 23, 2010. read
3) Innovation Forum on Services and
Technologies for Interactive Media (NET-STIM), Lisbon, on the
morning of Wednesday, February 24, 2010. read
To read the full, original article click on this link: Carnegie Mellon|Portugal: New Innovation Networks in Key Focused Areas of ICT