Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

The Collapse of Innovation in America?Remember the myriad of jokes back in the early eighties when products were showing up by the groves with the imprint “Made in China”. If anybody even noticed at all, it seemed to be acceptable when low-paying manufacturing jobs were leaving overseas by the hundreds of thousands. First it was the toys and widgets. Then it was the shoes and clothing that were being lost to cheap foreign competition. Next up was the steel industry, shipbuilders and auto manufacturing. Furniture and household goods were also hard hit. Outsourcing has also found its way into higher-paid jobs; software development, aerospace, animation, electronics and all forms of technology are now under threat. To understand more of this read the article; The Death of American Manufacturing.

We are now seeing the erosion of our manufacturing and production capabilities at a faster pace than ever before. Towns and cities all across America have been impacted by the rise in outsourcing. In fact outsourcing our production and manufacturing are the leading factors in the rise of unemployment. Unemployment continues to post record numbers as more and more companies are finding themselves in a position where they can only compete if they cut costs down to the bare bones. Companies must conserve like never before. Even those companies who would have never dreamed of outsourcing their jobs to overseas markets just a few years ago are finding themselves in a position where the economics demand it. There is this deep sense of fear that has gripped Corporate America as small business continues to bleed red and jobs are increasingly scarce.

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