A strategic element of the Economic Development Council of Collier County's (EDC) 5-year plan is a program dedicated to supporting local entrepreneurial CEOs of second stage growth companies. The EDC has already achieved success by outreaching to more than 600 CEOs and educating them about the program, assessing the need for assistance and inviting them to use one of the many Economic Gardening tools available.
The next opportunity for CEOs to participate in Economic Gardening is the CEO Nexus Forum, which will take place on Monday, February 22, 2010. The first forum, held in November, included 23 CEOs representing nearly 400 employees in Collier County. The forums are limited to 30 participants and offer an opportunity for the CEO of second stage growth companies to connect with peers and hear from a CEO who has taken a business to a more advanced stage of development.
Some of the feedback heard from CEOs after the first Nexus Forum included, "it was real-time, value-added advice; the speaker was very articulate on business challenges and solutions; and enjoyed the opportunity for a frank discussion on successes and failures from a local entrepreneur"
To read the full, original article click on this link: EDC Continues its Focus on Innovation and Entrepreneurship through Economic Gardening Program - Collier County Economic Development Council Blog
Author: Tammie Nemecek