Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

As an entrepreneurship educator at a major university, I agree with much of Robert Kiyosaki's column, "We need two school systems" (The Forum, Feb. 9).

However, I must take issue with the notion that such an approach would have a meaningful impact on our country's ability to "create entrepreneurs."

Casting as wide a net of entrepreneurship education as possible would be far more effective in encouraging a cadre of new entrepreneurs than the creation of a highly selective, exam-based academy.

We need to encourage as large a pool of nascent entrepreneurs as possible. The type of training and exposure to successful entrepreneurs Kiyosaki proposes is already available in virtually all of the better university entrepreneurship programs, and entrepreneurship education is already being extended to both secondary and primary schools.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Letters: Entrepreneurship education should be for all students - Opinion -

Author: Ted W. Legatski