Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Startups are hives of creativity. In their early days, the creativity of their founders and new hires mainly permeate the innovative products or services that are to disrupt industries. Those that succeed in uprooting their markets however, follow a trajectory which puts them in a position to further manifest their creativity. With a wad of cash and an expanding workforce, a new work environment is often both a necessity and a compelling blank canvas for its creatively-driven founders.

It’s interesting to watch how the most successful startups often end up in the most creative spaces. Whether that’s by means of its founders’ vision, or by having the means to hire award-winning interior designers, we’ve found common design threads that are likely not just design-muscle at full flex, but actual conduits of creativity.

To read the original article: Creative spaces: a look inside the offices of 10 startup heavyweights | ventureburn