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avatarMy name is Shirley and I haven’t started a new business in the last 9 months.

Entrepreneurship is an addiction. Every entrepreneur is stricken with the rush of adrenaline in starting a new venture. It is all very exciting, with new ideas, new products, and new people. And the most addictive part: Success.

I have been both blessed and cursed with the effects of success. I sold my business that I had since 1994 to a publicly traded company that was a competitor. I am staying on as Director of Ecommerce of as part of the acquisition. It has been 9 months, and the physical transition was smooth, but the emotional one has been challenging.

You might say that I’ve had to go cold turkey with entrepreneurship. But sometimes I yearn for that high. Like a lot of drugs, the high you can get from entrepreneurship can make you forget about the consequences and the pain it can bring.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Confessions of a Recovering Entrepreneur | Practical eCommerce

Author: Shirley Tan