Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

99% of all Venture Capital websites are tributes to themselves.

The typical Venture Capital website is full of former investments, some good some bad. A virtual brochure and usually nothing more.


Not so with First Round Capital.  Most corporations can take a page or two out of their social playbook.  Some may need to borrow the entire guide. 

It’s starts with their tagline: “First Round Capital is a seed stage fund dedicated to helping talented entrepreneurs build remarkable companies. Read More”.  Music to any start-up CEO’s ears.  And, if they practice what they preach, then they’ll rise above their peers. 

A quick check of The Funded reveals the firm is well liked by prospective entrepreneurs but may be more difficult than others in securing favorable deal terms. 

To read the full, original article click on this link: Venture Capital 2.0 – Five Reasons Why First Round Capital is Better at Social than Your Company |

Author: Mark Fidelman