Inspiration often
precedes innovation, a topic I love. This is my third installment on the
subject. The first is titled, “2010: The Year of Spontaneous
Innovation” and the second is, “The Art of Bold Innovation.”
Innovation is such a personal, creative endeavor, but the influence
of others plays a big role in helping us succeed. Here I'll share
insights from some of those who've inspired me when it comes to
developing innovative practices in my business. Perhaps they will have
the same effect on you.
At the end of each passage, there’s a lesson learned along with a big question to get a conversation going.
Walt Disney
“My father was not a complicated man.” ~ Diane Disney Miller (daughter of Walt Disney)
If there is one way to foster innovation in your business, it is to be innovative yourself and to be straightforward. In “
Walt Disney: An American Original” by Bob Thomas, Diane Disney Miller says this about her dad: “I think Dad was an easy read. He didn’t want to be complicated. He was always straightforward, never devious. Not unless he could be devious in a constructive way.” Diane continues,“We always ate dinner late, because Dad worked late at the studio. He would tell about what he was doing, but he also wanted to know about our lives, too. And he would listen.”
To read the full, original article click on this link: Creating a Culture of Innovation: Learning From the Best : Innovation :: American Express OPEN Forum
Author: Laurel Delaney