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Evan Capus, a University of Alberta engineering co-op student who is gaining work experience at Micralyne watches Tuesday's announcement of this year's recipients under the Alberta Innovation Voucher Pilot Program at the Alberta Centre for Advanced Nano Technology Products in Edmonton.One company uses ultrasound to repair damaged tooth roots. Another has developed a wireless body-monitoring device that sends real-time data to doctors, nurses and other caregivers.

They're among 384 companies across the province that have taken advantage of the province's Innovation Voucher Pilot Program to get their products closer to market.

SmileSonica Inc. Tuesday received $50,000 in vouchers that can be exchanged for services, the same amount that Kanata Health Solutions received when the program was launched last spring.

Kanata's monitoring device, which is worn on the wrist, is about to go into a trial with the Alexander First Nation near Morinville, which has a chronic diabetes problem, said Bhavin Rawal, a consulting physician to the company. It monitors glucose levels, pulse and other functions and transmits the information via Bluetooth to a base.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovative help for Alberta innovators

Author: David Finlayson