Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

clean energyEarlier this week The Upswing brought you news--and a real purdy picture!-- detailing the five hottest cities in the country in terms of generating green jobs. Today, we'd like to offer yet more good news in this area.

Seems the Department of Energy just dropped a $100 million check on Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (or ARPA-E) to go toward three main areas of green technology production. The areas are:

  1. Developing cost-effective, non-toxic means for energy storage.
  2. Building power converters that can reduce energy consumption by 30%.
  3. Exploring additional high-efficiency technology for heating and cooling systems.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How Much Green Innovation Does $100 Million Buy? | The Upswing | Fast Company

Author: Maccabee Montandon