Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Dr. Mary Good, dean of UALR's Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology (EIT), will help host the first of a series of regional meetings of the National Academies Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy to highlight best practices in innovation and related new business creation.

Beginning at 2 p.m. Monday, March 8, and concluding at 2 p.m. Tuesday, the meeting at the Clinton Presidential Center will engage top-level Arkansas business, academic, and political leaders with high-level U.S. government officials and others positioned to help drive innovation and business incubation in the state.

"UALR is collaborating with Dr. Charles Wessner, director of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship for the National Academies, on this event, and we are confident this session and the cooperative efforts derived from it, have the potential to be genuinely useful, both for Arkansas and for the nation," Good said.

Participants also include Richard A. Bendis, president and CEO of Innovation America; David Thomison, vice president of Enterprise Services, i2E; Susan Hackwood, executive director of the California Council of Science and Technology; and Don Senich, Industrial Innovation and Partnerships Division, National Science Foundation.

Gov. Mike Beebe and his wife, Ginger, will host the board at a dinner Monday evening at the Governor's Mansion.

To read the full, original article click on this link: UALR Helping Host National Academies Meeting on Innovation March 8-9 -
