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Big data not just a buzzword but a fact of life memeburn

Big data. These two words have surfaced on almost every technology outlet recently and many people have been as uninspired by them as they were by the word “cloud”. The problem is that while it is an intellectually understandable concept – human beings are generating data at an astonishing rate – there is no clear explanation as to what this actually means for the user, the business or the world.

Let’s start by analysing what the term big data means. There is an infographic created by DOMO and Column Five Media that shows exactly how much data we generate every minute. Some of the more impressive statistics include: 571 new websites, 217 new users, 48 hours of YouTube footage uploaded, over two million Google search queries, and around 648 478 Facebook users sharing content every minute.

To read the original article: Big data: not just a buzzword but a fact of life | memeburn