Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Venture capitalists mingle at an event in Dubai organised by TiE Global. Ana Bianca Marin for The NationalWhen Stacy Waite moved to Abu Dhabi last year, the opportunities for a budding entrepreneur seemed to jump from every corner of the growing city.

Experienced in working with digital media start-ups back home in the US, Ms Waite, 49, who arrived in Abu Dhabi from Los Angeles, saw a market whose surface was yet to be scratched by online businesses.

Why not launch a multilingual online training portal for hospitality workers, she wondered, or a site covering the elderly care market?

“It has been a huge learning curve,” she said. “What I have learnt is that there are so many opportunities here – but this is not an easy place to start a business.”

Ms Waite is no stranger to launching an original enterprise. When she was 19, and studying communications at the University of Albany in New York State, she started a travel business focusing on ski trips, using the student body as her first clients. In 1989, she became, at 28, the youngest woman ever to launch a hedge fund on Wall Street.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Taking the entrepreneurial plunge in the UAE - The National Newspaper

Author: Tom Gara