Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

This post is for my fellow entrepreneurs. Especially, the one’s who love to code and create stuff, but find themselves clueless about “how to sell?”.

Everyone lives by selling something. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

We have done reasonably well in taking WebEngage to thousands of customers worldwide within 20 months of our launch. There’s a whole lot of ground to cover as the company has a long long way to go. Me and my co-founder, have written code all our lives – a whole lot of it, with one attempt resulting into, arguably, India’s first UGC-driven consumer internet brand (Burrp). When we started building out WebEngage, we did what we were best at – we created and rolled out a version 1 of our product in 5 months time. But then, the harsh reality kicked in – how do we now tell our prospects that there’s something worth their money? I decided to be to guy who would hunt for a few early stage customers.

Image Courtesy of jscreationzs /

To read the original article: Decoding Sales for Geeky Entrepreneurs : It’s Not Always About Closing a