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The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra needs money to "Preserve The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's Legacy," according to its Internet campaign on -- an online, donation crowdfunding portal.

More specifically, ASO's said to prospective backers, "Your donation will enable the ASO Archives to purchase technology necessary to convert three videos of the Orchestra led by world-renowned former ASO Music Director Robert Shaw into digital form."

In return for their donations, ASO offered its $25 backers, "Special recognition on the ASO Archive website."More generous donors received additional tokens of appreciation, and one $1,000 backer got the same tokens of appreciation that all the others received plus, "2013-14 concert season program book signed by Music Director Robert Spano."

To read the full, original article click on this link: Equity Crowdfunding Is Set to Begin This Fall for Small Business Owners. Are You Ready to Snag $1 Million? | Jerry Chautin